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Assisted Living

River’s Edge is an 8-unit Assisted Living facility associated with Kittson Healthcare. There are 3 different unit styles.

  • 1 bedroom, single bed unit (4 units, 539 sq. feet)
  • 1 double bed unit (2 units, 563 sq. feet)
  • 2 – bedroom unit (2 units, 770 sq. feet)

The basic rental package includes:

  • Apartment Rent
  • All utilities, except phone services & internet service
  • Basic cable service & internet (you can pay privately for upgrades to either of these)
  • Laundry, 3 loads/week
  • Housekeeping – 2 hours/week
  • Central Storage of medications
  • 24-hour urgent care response
  • Transportation around Hallock (when available)
  • Personal alert if needed for safety
  • Meal Plan Package: you have to sign up for a meal plan that you pay an additional cost for. We offer 2 meals or 3 meals per day and snacks are included.

Many other services are available for additional cost. Please contact Jodee at (218) 843-3662 for more inquiries and pricing information.